Creations Awol
Creations Awol
When Art From The South Of France Found Me Under A Rock... And How It Expanded My Worldview, Perceptions of Art, Travel, and Life

It taught me to look at things in a different way; that there isn't just "one way" of doing things, of...

Famous Artists On The French Riviera: How Art Shaped The Myth of The Côte d'Azur, And How The South of France Influenced Modern Art

Just whisper "French Riviera", and you'll hear sighs, see eyes glaze over with dreamy, far-away gazes into the distance, and perhaps an...

Sailing Misadventures in the Canaries - Creations Awol

There's nothing I would love more than to tell you that my first sailing trip was a wonderful amazing adventure that...

When Art From The South Of France Found Me Under A Rock... And How It Expanded My Worldview, Perceptions of Art, Travel, and Life
It taught me to look at things in a different way; that there isn't just "one way" of doing things, of seeing the world, or of depicting it. My discovery of colours, new places, and the concept that you don't have to colour within the lines that are imposed on you by convention, led me to a life filled with travel, exploration, curiosity and creativity: a dance between art and adventure
Famous Artists On The French Riviera: How Art Shaped The Myth of The Côte d'Azur, And How The South of France Influenced Modern Art
Just whisper "French Riviera", and you'll hear sighs, see eyes glaze over with dreamy, far-away gazes into the distance, and perhaps an accompanying "ooooh", "aaaah" or "oh-la-laaaa"... Do it, and you'll see. But have you ever wondered why?
Sailing Misadventures in the Canaries - Creations Awol

There's nothing I would love more than to tell you that my first sailing trip was a wonderful amazing adventure that...